X-Chat scripts: AutoGreet
I provide separate versions for XChat 1.x and 2.0, because their
behavior (API) differs somewhat. These seem to work for me,
no guarantee of any kind. Please report bugs/successes/wishes to xchat@kato.iki.fi.
Download XChatPerl.tgz for XChat 1.x or XChatAutoGreet-0.03.tgz for XChat 2.x
and unpack it into your XChat directory (~/.xchat2/ on unix).
- AutoGreet provides
- /AUTOGREET [#channel/]nick [+mode] [command; ...] to automatically
- give permissions (auto-op, voice)
- run commands (with variables embedded from the calling context)
for people joining channels moderated by us
- "*nick!*user@*.host" style nick matching
- /LISTGREETINGS [#channel] [user] for listing matching greetings
- Automatic saving and retrieval of greetings in an editable
configuration file (through PerlEval)
- Moderate scalability (hundreds of greetings)
- Network separation is currently broken due to XChat 2.0.x API bug
- Configuration file differs from version 0.01:
every #channel name should be prefixed with an asterisk ('*')
instead of a network name.
- PerlEval provides
- /PERL command for running perl commands; for instance,
/PERL $XChatAutoGreet::debug=1
makes autogreet module spurt debug messages.
- save() and load() routines for easy data persistence.
- autogreet load hook script.
- bind actions to any events, not just others joining
- provide clear and helpful list of aforementioned actions
- grant rights for others to run commands on my client (wormcan)
- lots of typical bot operations: history, statistics, watching, learning, channelkeeping, ...