suomeksi * in English
the more words you use
the easier you become to disagree;
the less you talk
the more suspicious you seem
but will be trusted secrets.
> administrator - he's a traitor, the terminator of your job
> when you cross the deadline you're the one they blame
> but the one who locked up your files never gets a flame
> administrator - he's a traitor, the terminator of your job
> if he's got any success you will lose your access
> he's the one who wields the power - 4 u it's a cold shower
> the day you realize that you're a bugger in his eyes
> administrator - he's a traitor, the terminator of your job
> all you can do now is to pray for the great Bob.
O, a'godda go
da Ouagadougou!
Ouagadougou dogodou
Ouagadougou - don' go
Ouagadougou - a'godda go
Ou au ou, da Ouagadougou
Ouagadougou agadougouagadougou
Ouagadougou - don' go
Ou au Ouagadougou dogodou go!